梁智軒博士親身𦲷臨向香港作曲家分享手鈴作品創作 We are glad to have our resident composer Dr. Leung Chi-hin Michael in the handbell composition workshop.

向作曲家們示範不同的手鈴技巧 We demonstrated various handbell techniques to the composers.

《鈴風輕哨》年度音樂會,與口琴手李俊樂先生合奏 It's our pleasure to have Gordon Lee (harmonica player) in our annual concert.

手鈴音樂體驗之旅:觀眾除了欣賞我們演奏外,還可以親身試玩 Handbell Workshop: Listen and play handbell music. Full of fun!!

大人小朋友一起演奏Jingle Bells We played Jingle Bells with lovely children.

以數字為主題的音樂會,並結合魔術表演,甚是精彩 It's a wonderful concert with magic and numbers.

與魔術師Harry Chan合照 Photo with Harry Chan, the magician in our concert.

音樂新文化 2012 - 視聽、手鈴及現場電子音樂 (西灣河文娛中心) Audio Visual, Handbell & Live Electronics Music.

隊員陳雅君演奏駐團作曲家的作品「幻色浮影」(2012),演繹新的手鈴技巧 “ DMRinger Connie Chan played a new handbell technique- ”Bowing Bells” in our composer-in-residence work “Colouristic Illusion”(2012).

Clarion & Friends 音樂會,與單簧管五重奏Clarion作聯合演奏 DMR Quintet were invited to be performing guests in “Clarion & Friends” and played with Clarion for joint performance.

香港教育學院手鈴隊十週年音樂會 - 「臻‧情於鈴」音樂會 DMRingers were invited to be performing guests in HKIEd Handbell Ensemble 10th Anniversary Concert –“La Passion de La Chime”

香港公共圖書館閱讀繽紛月2012綜藝表演 – 「漫步故事園」 Hong Kong Public Libraries Summer Reading Month 2012 Variety Show – “Ring a Story” at Hong Kong Central Library Exhibition Gallery.