Christine Chan
陳氏於在學期間開始接觸手鈴。2003年「十一分音符手鈴隊」成立, 陳氏為創團籌委之一,現為手鈴隊藝術總監及指揮,一直活躍於手鈴演出及推廣活動,曾參與《80分鐘環遊世界》音樂會、《手牽手‧鈴》音樂會、《漫遊童夢》 音樂會、《有鈴自遠方來》音樂會、香港繽紛冬日節及於各大型商場和教會作公開演出。曾隨李潔瑤女士學習手鈴二重奏,並為香港手鈴藝術學院手鈴五重奏組合的 成員之一,經常代表香港手鈴藝術學院於本地學校舉辦手鈴工作坊及示範表演,又於《音樂新文化 Musicarama 2008》音樂會、香港手鈴節音樂會、無線電視錄影及婚禮等作公開演出。自2008年起獲香港手鈴藝術協會邀請於香港手鈴節音樂會中擔任手鈴大合奏指揮。
Christine Chan graduated from the Hong Kong Institute of Education with the Bachelor of Education (Honors) (Primary) Degree studied in music education. She is now the education supervisor of the Hong Kong Handbell Academy directing many school handbell choirs. She also contributes her talents and experiences in local handbell teacher training.
Christine started playing handbell during her undergraduate years and has been involved in handbell choirs for over 10 years. Her enthusiasm in handbell led to the formation of "Double Mallet Ringers" in 2003. Christine is a founding committee member and an active player of the Double Mallet Ringers. She is presently the artistic director and conductor of the team. She is actively involved in different performances such as "Around the World in 80 Mins" concert, "Hands+Handbell=Harmony" concert, "Playful Tunes" concert & "Bells to the East" concert hosted by DMR, live performances for the Hong Kong Winterfest as well as handbell promotion in public.
Christine studied handbell duet playing with Ms Emily Li and she was a member of the Hong Kong Handbell Academy Quintet Ensemble, actively involved in performances such as "Musicarama 2008", Hong Kong Handbell Festival concerts, TVB shows, workshops in local schools, and wedding ceremony in churches & banquets. She has been invited to be a mass ring conductor at the concerts of the Hong Kong Handbell Festival since 2008.
Christine also participates actively in international handbell events. Since 2006, she has participated in Handbell Symposium and National Seminar at Brisbane, Orlando and Osaka to sharpen her skills in handbell ringing and conducting. She holds the Certificate of General Handbell Director Certification from AGEHR.